Двигатель JB Jenbacher JGS620 gas genset для Jenbacher JGS620

≈ 11,79 TJS
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Контакты продавца

Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Subject to prior sale or changes without notice.
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System
Natural Gas: Gas Type
J620 Jenbacher gas engine generator sets that run on natural gas. The electricity produced by the power generator.
Jenbacher Series 6 motors are designed to output a power range up to 4.5 MW. Its rotation at 1,500 rpm
Frequency 50Hz.
Engine version: F111 (E12)
Engine design type: J225 (J227)
Orig Po Output kWe : 3349 kW
Orig Po Output kWm 3431 kW
Voltage: 11000 V (11kV)
YOM: 2011
OVH operating hours, stop 50746 hrs
Nore: 60k was not done yet according OEM instructions.
Different J620 Jenbacher gas gensets modifications available.
Typical Scope of supply:
Complete engine base frame (incl. but not limited to air inlet box, gas mixer, oil pump, inter cooler, coupling)
Exhaust scavenging system
Complete exhaust gas manifold with insulation (A & B Bank)
Jacket water pump & heat exchanger mounted on the base frame with pipework
Complete jacket water pre-heating system
Complete lube oil refilling system
Lube oil hear exchanger mounted to the base frame, with pipe work
All engine related water, oil and exhaust piping on the engine base frame
Electric starter motors
Main and pre-chamber gas train
Maintenance platform
Module control panel – Dia.neXT3 Engine Management System