Экструдер для пластика Berstoff ZE 90A x 36D

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Контакты продавца

Marke: Berstoff
Berstorff ZE 90A x 36D
compound extruder
Dynamische Tragzahl
633 kN
(Dynamic Load Capacity)
Theoretische Lebensdauer bei 120 bar und 300 l/min
40,000 h
(Theoretical Lifespan at 120 bar and 300 l/min)
(Siehe Lebensdauerdiagramm
Punkt 8.3.4)
(See Lifespan Diagram
Point 8.3.4)
Anzahl der Vollzylinder (4 D)
(Number of Full Cylinders (4D))
Heizleistung pro Zylinder
(Heating Power per Cylinder)
Anzahl der offenen Zylinder (4 D)
(Number of Open Cylinders (4D))
(1x Füllzylinder 4D unbeheizt)
(1x Fill Cylinder 4D Unheated)
Heizleistung pro Zylinder
(Heating Power per Cylinder)
Anzahl der Vollzylinder (6D)
(Number of Full Cylinders (6D))
Heizleistung pro Zylinder
(Heating Power per Cylinder)
Anzahl der offenen Zylinder (6D)
(Number of Open Cylinders (6D))
Heizleistung pro Zylinder
(Heating Power per Cylinder)
Anzahl der Kombizylinder (6D)
(Number of Combination Cylinders (6D))
Heizleistung pro Zylinder
(Heating Power per Cylinder)
Anzahl der Kopfanschlüsse
(Number of Head Connections)
Heizleistung der Kopfanschlüsse
(Heating Power of Head Connections)
Heizleistung ges
(Total Heating Power)
(Die Angaben der Heizleistung gelten bei 400V Spannung)
(The heating power specifications apply at 400V voltage)
Electric Drive (Direct Drive
(Motor: DC Motor)
Fabrikat/ Typ
Siemens 1GG6
(Manufacturer/ Type: Siemens 1GG6)
395 kW bei 1750 min⁻¹
(Power: 395 kW at 1750 min⁻¹)
Hersteller Desch
(Overload Clutch: Manufacturer Desch)
Eingestelltes Abschaltmoment bei Luftdruck
2697 Nm
(Pre-set Cut-off Torque at Air Pressure)
Induktiver Näherungsschalter
(Inductive Proximity Switch: IFM)
Max. zulässige Drehzahl
1750 min⁻¹
(Max. Permissible Speed: 1750 min⁻¹)
auf den Motor
(Direction of Rotation: right
viewed on the motor)
antriebszapfen gesehen
(driven shaft viewed)
Berstorff (Gearbox)
Max. zulässiges Nenndrehmoment pro Abtriebswelle: 5800 Nm
(Max. Permissible Nominal Torque per Output Shaft)
Max. zulässige Antriebsleistung: 425 kW
(Max. Permissible Drive Power)
Übersetzung: i = 4.947
(Gear Ratio)
Max. zulässige Antriebsdrehzahl: 1731 min⁻¹
(Max. Permissible Input Speed)
Max. zulässige Abtriebsdrehzahl: 350 min⁻¹
(Max. Permissible Output Speed)
Ölinhalt: 270 l
(Oil Capacity)
Ölviskosität: ISO VG 320
(Oil Viscosity: ISO VG 320)
Drehrichtung auf Antriebswelle gesehen: links
(Direction of Rotation Viewed on Input Shaft: left)
Drehrichtung auf Abtriebswelle gesehen: links
(Direction of Rotation Viewed on Output Shaft: left)
Max. Schalldruckpegel in 1 m Abstand bei max. Antriebsleistung und max. Drehzahl: < 80 dB (A)
(Max. Sound Pressure Level at 1 m Distance with Max. Drive Power and Max. Speed)
Type: TVE 2004SRS
Weight: (in operating condition)
Dryer 1100 kg
Operating data
max. operating pressure 5.5 bar
max. operating temperature 90 °C
Process water inlet 3"
Process water outlet 4"
Cleaning water inlet 2"
Electrical connection
Motorised fan 5.5 kW 400V 50Hz 1.7A IP 55
( Motor-fan 1.5 kW 400V 50Hz 2.4A IP 55
Compressed air connection G1/4" 5.5-6.5 bar
Dimensions See drying system / dryer drawing
Weights of Components
9.7 tons (measured by crane during setup)
Screen changer
10.2 tons (measured by crane during setup)
Motors for screen changer
0.45 tons (estimated/from documents)
Side feeder
0.22 tons (estimated/from documents)
Control cabinets
0.85 tons (estimated/from documents)
Underwater pelletizer (UWG)
2.6 tons (estimated/from documents)
UWG cutting unit
0.35 tons (estimated/from documents)
UWG vibrating sieve
0.28 tons (estimated/from documents)
UWG including cutting unit
2.6 tons (estimated/from documents)
Control cabinets
0.85 tons (estimated/from documents)
Spare housing
0.32 tons (each
with three listed)
Other spare parts
0.2 tons (estimated/from documents)
Total weight
29.26 tons
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